MC Building Chemicals
Ph range 0 – 14 resistant
Damp tolerant vapour diffusion technology
Rapid installation and back to service
MC are Europe’s leading solution providers in protective coatings to bunds, manholes, chambers and any other concrete or brick fluid containing structure. Our lining systems cover ph range 0 – 14 and are particularly popular in subterranean environments where higher levels of biogenic sulphuric acid corrosion occur, and acidic corrosion from high sugar content trade effluent such as soft drinks, dairy products and other general foodstuff production.
Many coatings within our range benefit from being open to vapour diffusion, therefore resisting the common problem of debonding from the host substrate due to water and damp intolerance. The systems are highly impact resistant, decoratively pleasing and easily cleaned, offering a long service life, regardless of the chemical attack.
Areas of expertise include:
Client: Network Rail
A 7 span traditional rail over road masonry brick structure suffering from water ingress issues.
Network Rail’s options were to use traditional ‘track up’ waterproofing means, however this solution was quickly ruled out due to track disruption and excessive cost.
The MC elastomer waterproofing solution was adopted as a suitable system with all waterproofing works being carried out from the underside of the structure without disruption or speed restriction to rail traffic above.
Network Rail and their contracting partners have both expressed their complete satisfaction with the MC system and have gone on to adopt this technique on numerous other structures.